Where do I start?
STARTING POINT 1: I need help with a specific issue.
There's an issue or situation in your life that you just need help getting through, getting un-stuck from, or letting go of. You need some help right now to release from something that's affecting you.
If this sounds like you, then one of the powerful, effective self-serve Tools we're created, are right for your situation. These Tools also come as part of the Flourishing Life Blueprint Program, but you don't have to do the whole Program to have access to them. You can purchase just the Tools you think you need right now.
If your skills for inner work are well developed, these tools may be enough to give you what you need. If you're less experienced or you get stuck, you can decide to do the Program, or supplement the Tools with online support from one of our Flourish Guides.

STARTING POINT 2: I want to grow. I'd like some tools & guidance but I want to do it on my own.
You're ready to start or continue your own personal growth path but either there's no sense of urgency about it for you, or you have a depth of emotional skill yourself that you can draw on. You're motivated to learn more about how to build a flourishing, fulfilling life, how your experience works and how to work through some of your life challenges. But you're happy to be your own guide.
If this sounds like you, then The Flourishing Life Blueprint online Program is for you. This includes the entire suite of Flourish Tools, which you can use to understand your mind, build a mindfulness practice and your own resilience. You'll learn how to face your fears and experience the powerful shifts that come with that. You'll build a compelling vision of what flourishing means for you and start walking that path.

STARTING POINT 3: I'm ready to move and I want more than just tools - I want the wisdom, encouragement, support and company of seasoned travellers. I want to share the adventure.
You want learning and guidance but you know this alone is not enough for you. You know the adventure will include wonderful milestones and you want to celebrate those with others who understand them. You also know it will be hard sometimes and that you'll need help - wisdom, encouragement and support of others who've been around the tracks for a while - some travel guides.
If this sounds like you, then you'll want to join either the Flourish Community or the Fellow Travellers Circle.
The Flourish Community includes the Flourishing Life Blueprint program, all of the Flourish tools, as well as webinars, Q&A sessions and membership to a dedicated, private chat group with like-minded people who share their challenges, encourage and support each other, and share other resources that they find helpful for personal growth.
If you're ready to move powerfully and fully embrace personal growth, then the all-inclusive Fellow Travellers Circle is our most profound offering. This includes everything in the Flourish Community as well as three one on one sessions with a Flourish Guide, membership of a small dedicated Travellers Circle chat group (no more than 5 people) to support and encourage you, and invitations to retreats when they are offered. ​