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Leadership Development


Management: getting stuff done

Leadership: inspiring hearts and minds to commit to a cause.​​

​Leadership is about the impact you have on others, so who you are matters. Because of this, leadership development is personal development. To grow as a leader, you need to grow as a person.


Flourish Personal Growth began as a leadership development company (named Platinum Leaders) way back in 2004. According to participants, it changes lives. Programs span 3 - 12 months and include pre-program readiness assessments, facilitated days, on-the-job learning, 360 degree feedback, individual coaching and small group meetings between 'leadership days' to keep each other accountable.


Our programs have a profound impact. We were once asked by a leader whose colleagues were doing the program:


What have you done to them? They're different!


This is the most valuable course I have undertaken. I learnt a lot about myself and have picked up skills that have helped me not only in my job but also in my private life. I truly believe that my recent success in my career can be attributed to the new skills taught by [Flourish] both in the class room and being prepared to use those skills in real life situations.


If you truly want to learn new skills and are willing to improve your leadership style, take this course. It will challenge you, test you, make you think, but overall it will teach you new ways to deal with daily situations we all face and give you the skills and confidence to be a better leader.

Gareth Vines, General Manager

By far the most useful 'training course' I have taken part in so far in my career - I learnt heaps, not least about myself.  There are lots of 'nuggets' that have really stuck and I feel sure that this level of self knowledge will stand me in very good stead for future positions.
I also found the deep learning groups brilliant - we developed a really supportive environment where I think everyone felt safe to try new things and make mistakes.  It was also a great way to get to form stronger links with colleagues I didn't work with every day.  A simple idea, but very effective.

Clare Garey, Corporate Partnerships Manager

During my working career I have participated in different types of courses. This program is by far the best I have attended. It gives you the opportunity to actually try what you have learned and you see results almost immediately.

Darren Simmons, General Manager

The [Flourish] program is no walk in the park. It made me challenge my thinking, making me more self aware of how I operate, while giving me a common language to use with my team members.


No top ten tips for becoming a high performing team. Instead, self awareness and shared insights to how our team operates, which are far more sustainable and ultimately satisfying, since it is us as individuals who put the work in to create a great team.

Clare Everson, Communications Manager

Find out more

If you'd like to discuss whether Flourish leadership programs might be right for your organisation, please let us know!

We'll be in touch soon!

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