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Powerful personal growth programs, tools and community. 
Self-driven, at your own pace, with support as you need it.
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FREE self-assessment

The Nine Elements of Human Flourishing are the nine experiences that help us humans feel safe and fulfilled. The more elements that are well nourished, the more we flourish.


You can use this chart to assess your life as it is now.  To flourish more fully, choose your one or two lowest scores and start a project to nourish these elements.


You can re-use this tool at any time to check on how life's tracking.


Walk your growth path
With friends by your side
And guides who know the territory
The TEDx talk

Our founder Lenorë Lambert's TEDx talk was launched in December 2024. Her aim was to spread the idea of flourishing as our aim in life rather the delusional goal of always being happy.

The Book

The Buddha's wisdom is one of the key sources of inspiration for the Flourish programs and tools. This book, is a no-nonsense, practical guide to the key teachings and how they can help us flourish in our modern lives.

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